Veteran Dog
1st CH Jokyl Captain Scarlet
2nd Prince Of Atryal
CH Jokyl Captain Scarlet |
Special Puppy Dog
1st Crillee Catch by Surprise
2nd Crillee Catcher in the Rye
Crillee Catch by Surprise |
1st JCH Sunnily Baron Raffael
2nd Clydebrook Spiced Rum
Res Doraemi Krakkajax for Tobadale
VHC Jecadie Enhanced Solar Ray
JCH Sunnily Baron Raffael |
Post Graduate Dog
1sst Cooper of the Ockenhome
2nd Rus Kornels Simvol Pobedy
3rd Sherifs Red Beret
Res Crillee Cool Raider
VHC Smockalley the Joker
Cooper of the Ockenhome |
1st Catch Me if You Can at Jodean
2nd Toulsyork Fisty Filbert
3rd Oaksteaire the Maestro at Grayaire
Res Black Prince of Caradaire
VHC Nedella Sparks in the Park at Arngansk
Catch Me if You Can at Jodean |
1st Royal Esquire Raider's Antania, CC
2nd Jokyl Star Turn, Res CC
3rd CH Toulsyork Delfy Dexter
Res Glentops Hugh Bett
VHC CH Big Lady's Iron Duke
Royal Esquire Raider's Antania |
1st Nedella Sparks in the Park at Arngask
2nd Saffronstars Stargazer
3rd Sherifs Red Hot
Veteran Bitch
1st Thistleaire Cracklin Rosie
2nd CH Minnisoda Calender Girl
3rd Magwyr be Dazzled
Res Laroks Loriel Solta Dall Italia
Thistleaire Cracklin Rosie |
1st Beacytan Black Pearl, Best Puppy
2nd Jaymitch Jaunty Panachon
3rd Clydebrook City Lights
Res Vivavick Tittletattle
VHC Brisline's Born in the USA for Daedal
Beacytan Black Pearl |
1st Jokyl Simply Red
2nd Crillee Cool Scarlet
3rd Doraemi Kiki Dee
Res Nedella All Spice at Ellwoodkings
VHC Nedella Olympic Medallist from Buddonwood
Jokyl Simply Red |
1st Muliebrity Rilletta
2nd Rus Kornels Sama Dragotsennost
3rd Rus Kornels Erika Zolotaya
Res Saredon First Alexandria
VHC Vivavick Supercilious
Muliebrity Rilletta |
1st Muliebrity Ocana
2nd Crillee Carry on Baby
3rd Jaymitch Gift Before Dawn
Res Russtam Star Princes
VHC Jokyl Starlet
Muliebrity Ocana |
1st CH Katerina's Land Spicy Cherry, CC, Best Of Breed
2nd CH Valeria of the Aire Victory, Res CC
3rd Jecadie Dipped in Spice
Res CH Really Amazing Raider Antania
VHC CH Komet Alexandria Raider's Antania
CH Katerina's Land Spicy Cherry |
CH Katerina's Land Spicy Cherry |
1st Daielsie Jans Go Girl Go
2nd Nedella All Spice at Ellwoodkings
3rd Nedella Olympic Medallist from Buddonwood
VHC Wendaire Jokers Angels Kiss